Travel Bursary Program

ICOM-Canada Travel Bursary Description

As a way to help emergent museum professionals in building network and lasting connections, ICOM-Canada provides every year one Travel Bursary to support the participation of one graduate student or one emergent museum professional (with less than 5 years of work experience) to any of the ICOM’s international committee conferences, or the annual ICOM conference. ICOM-Canada will provide up to $1500 to cover costs related to conference registration, travel, accommodation, and local transportation, as well as a per diem allowance for meals. It is expected that applicants will seek additional funding through their university or employer. One applicant will be selected each year to attend the conference. The bursary will be awarded by an adjudication committee formed by the board of ICOM-Canada.



  • The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • A student enrolled in a graduate program in an accredited university (Canada or abroad) or an emergent museum professional with less than 5 years of work experience. We welcome applications from students in diverse disciplines addressing issues related to museology, including but not limited to intercultural museology, museum and the Web, information technologies, collection management, museum administration, intangible heritage


Applicants may receive only one ICOM-Canada Travel bursary.


Application Process

Applications may be submitted in English or in French. All application materials should be completed in 12 point font with minimum 1” page margins. Applications should include:

  • A completed application form.
  • A brief (maximum two-page) curriculum vitae.
  • A brief (maximum 250 words) statement of purpose. It should provide a brief overview of your museological interests and professional aspirations.
  • A budget, including estimates for conference registration, return economy transportation, accommodation in the most economical residence, $50 per diem rate to cover meals over the duration of the conference.
  • A letter of reference from a faculty supervisor or work supervisor.
  • Proof of acceptance as a presenter on one of the international committees.


Application Deadline

The deadline for applications for the current round is May 5, 2017. Applications should be emailed as a single attachment to Viviane Gosselin at

The successful applicant will be reimbursed for expenses upon submission of the following: 

  • Statement of expenses with appropriate receipts
  • Two-page conference report which will be posted on the ICOM-Canada website


Questions? Contact: Viviane Gosselin, Senior Curator, Museum of Vancouver