May 2012 E-Newsletter

Manon Blanchette, ICOM Canada President, receives the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.


Message from the President of ICOM Canada

News from ICOM Canada

The Annual General Meeting of ICOM Canada was held in Gatineau on April 25 with a high attendance rate of members. Both the President and the Treasurer’s report were filed, as well as the Audited financial statements for 2010 and 2011.


Mary Bradshaw, director of the Yukon Arts Centre Public Art Gallery was re-elected for a second term. ICOM also welcomed two new members of the Board: Viviane Gosselin, curator of contemporary issues at the Vancouver Museum, and Elka Weinstein, Museum & Heritage Programs advisor at the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports of Ontario. These new members will have the mandate to showcase Canada’s museums, both abroad and at home, and participate in their development.


Bernard Schiele, from the Université de Québec à Montreal was awarded ICOM Canada’s International Achievement Award.


The workshop of the President on ICOM International’s activities and governance was well attended and was found to be a very useful presentation in understanding the management of a multinational organization such as ICOM.

The President, Manon Blanchette, was awarded the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.


Manon Blanchette Ph.D.
ICOM Canada