International Committees

Canadians have always been very involved in the work of ICOM.  Many sit on the boards of international committees or working groups.


ICOM Executive Council

  • Claude Faubert, Member




AVICOM: Audiovisual and New Technologies

  • Manon Blanchette, President

CAMOC: Museums of Cities

  • Catherine Cole, Member

CECA: Education and Cultural Action

  • Josée Duhaime, Secretary
  • Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Coopted Member
  • Francine Lelièvre, Coopted Member

COMCOL: Collecting

  • Roger Heeler, Treasurer

ICEE: Exhibition Exchange

  • Nicolas Gauvin, Secretary

ICOFOM: Museology

  • Dr. Ann Davis, Chairperson
  • Lynn Maranda, Secretary

ICOMAM: Arms and Military History

  • Guy Vadeconcoeur, Member

ICTOP: Training of Personnel

  • Lynne Teather, Chairperson
  • Joy Davis, Member

NATHIST: Natural History

  • Janet Carding, Treasurer




CCTF Cross Cultural Task Force:

  • Ann Davis, Member

RESCO Resolutions Committee 2010:

  • Robert Spickler, Chair

CIC – Standing Committee on International Committees:

  • Sandra Lorimer, Chair
  • Claude Faubert, Member

FIREC Finance and Resources Committee:

  • Robert Spickler, Chair
  • Manon Blanchette, Member

LEAC Legal Affairs Committee:

  • John McAvity, Chair
  • Rina Pantalony, Member




CAM Commonwealth Association of Museums:

  • Martin Seger, President
  • Lois Irvine, Secretary

International Association of Museum Facility Administrators:

  • Guy Larocque, Head of international Affairs

International Association of Transport Museums:

  • Bianca Gendreau, Board Member

SIBMAS – Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts:

  • Sylvie François, Membership Secretary


Last update: 02/10/2012