November 2015 E-Newsletter

November 2015

Dear Colleague,

As the year 2015 comes to a close, I would like to thank you for your continued support of ICOM Canada and our activities. With a new year ahead and some great initiatives in the works, I invite you to reaffirm this support by renewing your membership for 2016.

After careful review, we are pleased to inform you that the ICOM Canada Board has decided to maintain the current fee structure as per the year 2015. We will be increasing the fees for 2017, however, and will notify you well in advance of what those fees will be. ICOM (Paris) has already provided us with a new membership fee structure, however, before we implement the new fees in 2017, ICOM Canada plans to clarify the percentage calculation payment to our parent organization.

As a reminder the fee structure as it stood last year and which will remain in effect for 2016 is on a separate page attached to this letter with instructions on submitting payment. You can also find membership renewal information on our website.

ICOM Canada’s Board met in February 2015 to develop a new Strategic Plan focused on making ICOM Canada more vital in the professional life of members. I’m happy to highlight some the exciting initiatives put in place this past year.

If you have a conference, workshop, research project, or paper that you would like to promote, get in touch so that we can share it on social media. We now offer a bursary for young professionals in the field to assist in travel costs to present a paper at an international conference. We offer informative Google Hangout sessions with key speakers from our museum community on issues that affect us all as museum professionals. Additional information can be accessed on the ICOM Canada website. Please share and take advantage of all these programs!

ICOM offers a large number of very active, specialized committees for museum professionals like you to participate in. I strongly encourage you to join one of them in order to share the excellence of Canadian museology with members throughout the world.

To choose a committee, please visit the ICOM (Paris) web site at

ICOM Canada has more than 500 members. We are convinced that we can increase that number significantly if each of us plays a role. In addition to renewing your own membership, please encourage your institution and fellow staff and colleagues to join ICOM as individual members. By spreading the word on ICOM Canada’s value, you will help to increase our country’s representation on the world stage.

On behalf of the Board of ICOM Canada, thank you in advance for your commitment and support.


Shirley Madill
President ICOM Canada
280 Metcalfe Street, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7


For individuals: $115.00

Students: $50.00

Retired Professional: $80.00

For institutions:

  • Budgets up to $50,000: fee is $500
  • Budgets between $50,000 – $150,000: fee is $700
  • Budgets between $150,000 – 1,500,000: fee is $900
  • Budgets between $1,500,000 –  $8,000.000: fee is $1,100
  • Budgets between $8,000,000 – $15,000,000: fee is $1,300
  • Budgets over $15,000,000: fee is $1,500

The number of ICOM cards for institutions with budgets over $50,000 is as follows:

  • Budgets up to $50,000: 3 cards
  • Budgets between $50,000 – $150,000: 4 cards
  • Budgets between $150,000 – 1,500,000: 5 cards
  • Budgets between $1.500,000 –  $8.000.000: 6 cards
  • Budgets between $8,000,000 – $15,000,000: 7 cards
  • Budgets over $15,000,000: 8 cards

Payable by cheque or money order to:
ICOM Canada
280 Metcalfe Street, Suite 400
Ottawa ON K2P 1R7
General inquiries:
Renew your membership