May 2016 Message from the President

Dear colleagues and friends,  

It is with great pleasure and honour that I write to you today as the newly elected President of ICOM Canada. I am following in the steps of remarkable individuals, and look forward to continuing their incredible work with my colleagues of the 2016-2017 Board of Directors.

I want to thank everyone who attended our AGM in Halifax, NS this past April, and those who took the time to send in their proxy vote for the Board elections. Engaging with the National Committee’s work is crucial and I am happy to report that the members elected George Jacob, from the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum in Wembley, AB, to the ICOM Canada Board. Welcome George! We also presented ICOM Canada’s new Strategic Plan, which reinforces the Board’s commitment to you, our members, and to the international museum community

Looking forward, we have set a goal to focus on membership engagement. Building on the success of the past two years, we will continue offering Google Hangout sessions that explore various aspects of Canadian and international museology; we will increase our digital engagement via social media, outreach and networking activities; and we will continue to offer support through our ICOM Canada Bursary program. 

International Museums Day is just around the corner, on May 18, 2016. Join us on this special day to reflect and celebrate the amazing work being accomplished by professionals and volunteers in museums across Canada. I also invite you to showcase what your museum is planning by registering your activities on an interactive world map at 

This summer, I am pleased to report that several members of ICOM Canada will be participating in the 24th General Conference of the International Council of Museums in Milan, Italy. The conference will explore the theme of museums and cultural landscapes. Please let me know if you plan on attending; I will look forward to meeting with you there! If you cannot attend, you can still make your voice heard by voting by proxy for the general assembly. The forms are available through your ICOMMUNITY login.

Important topics and issues are being discussed around the world, such as the protection of global cultural heritage, the need to guard against illicit trafficking, and the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. Canada has in-depth expertise and knowledge to bring to the table and I want to make sure our work is well represented on the international stage. This is where you come in! Share your activities on committees or in international projects with us, bring our attention to the issues you are facing or that are important to you, and engage with my colleagues of the board and myself so we can be an active national committee. You are the key to our success. 

So stay in touch, we have a great year ahead!

Audrey Vermette